Lady Red Raven

Sabbats are a time for rituals and celebrations

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Sabbats are a time for rituals and celebrations
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Samhain  Witches New Year

October 31st. It's an ancient Celtic festival celebrating the begining of winter. Honoring death and the begining of a new year. A quiet time, when the veil between realms is the thinnest. A time to remember our ancestors. It is a time to reflect on life and dismiss all weakness. Apples and cakes appear in many rituals, coming from an old Irish tradition. Also know as All Hallows Eve and Halloween.

Yule/Winter Solstice-

First day of winter. Celebrates the rebirth of the Sun God. It is the longest night of the year. Wiccans celebrate the coming of light. When the sun reaches the southern most point, it is then, the time for relfection of thyself and to awaken from the darkness. The rituals are to help the sun change its course in the sky. To Christians it is Christmas.


February second. Celebrates the approach of spring. Imbolc means to milk or in the belly. In the Irish Celtic tradition, it honors Brigid, the Goddess of fire; fertility; crops and lifestock. It is a time for new beginings and growth. To evaluate dreams and goals. In Christianity it is observed as the Purification of the Virgin Mary. Also is Groundhogs day.

Spring Equinoz/Eostre/Ostora/Oester-

The first day of spring. It celebrates the arrival of spring. Marks the day when night and day are equal. Is the birth of the Sun God. It's a time to rejoice, dance and celebrate. It's the time for planting your spiritual gardens. The Christians version is Easter.


May first. Celebrating fertility and the union of the Goddess with the young Horned God. They have bond fires, and dance around maypoles with red ribbons tied around them representing masculine and feminine. Children Conceived on Beltane were said to be blessed. Beltane was Christianized by the church and priests would light the bon fires.

Summer Solstice/Litha-

Celebrates the longest day of the year. When the earth is in a bundance and beauty. Festival of the faeries is held. Is is when the contact with thier realm is the easiest. It is a time for great magick. All herbs picked at midnight are said to bring goodluck. The Christians call this St. John's Day.


July first. Celebration of the harvest.It is a festival honoring the celtic solor God Lugh. We thank the earth for its wealth and bounty. Many games and dances are done. The Goddesses Demeter and Ceres are also honored.

Autumn Equinox/Mabon-

Celebrates the end of harvest. Day and night are equal. Time to give thanks and meditate. Prepare for winter.

solor sun god's

Lunar  moon Goddess



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